Why T38Fax

We sell you our T.38, not our carrier’s. It’s predictable, feature-rich and trouble-free. Always.

Your facsimile won’t be an exact copy without it. Most carriers mistakenly turn off ECM. We don’t.

Unlimited support from fax industry experts. We will use science, not superstition, to resolve your problems.
Our T.38 implementation is exceptional, and because it’s our own in-house technology we’re constantly improving it.
We really know what we’re talking about. Ask most people how to get T.38 working and they’ll simply parrot back what google has told them – namely to slow the speed down to 9600 bps and turn off ECM error correction. This misinformation is so widespread that most carriers intentionally disable ECM support in their T.38 gateways. We think that’s crazy – the whole point of a facsimile is to have an exact copy of the image on the other side and that doesn’t happen without ECM, and if you slow the speed to 9600 you’re eliminating faster speeds and modulation speed that help cope with challenging audio conditions.